Photography + Photo Editing

Photography + Photo Editing

My coursework in photography has taught me how to shoot in manual mode on a DSLR camera, manage files and photographs, and edit using Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom Classic.


Digital Photography

Throughout this course (PHOT 205), I studied and applied the fundamentals of DSLR camera photography to projects of varying prompts. The following were all captured using a Canon EOS 40D, and edited and managed in Adobe Lightroom Classic.


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Digital Image Editing

Building upon Digital Photography, Digital Image Editing (PHOT 350) focused on photo manipulation through Adobe Photoshop. I continued to shoot in manual mode using my Canon EOS 40D DSLR.

Pictures of the Week

Each week, we took 30-50 photos as practice of shooting techniques. The following are raw and unedited photos, later used to practice Photoshop Techniques.

Project 1: Surrealist Landscape

Project 2: Single Image Concept

For my single image concept, I wanted to depict seasonal depression and how the shorter days in the colder months seem to warp time and reality.

Final Project: Multi-Image Concept

Printed to present, the project aligned as pictured below to represent the light in the dark that is seasonal depression.

Restoration Project

Utilizing Photoshop’s photo restoration techniques and tools, we were tasked with scanning and restoring an old photograph.

